Application Due Date: May 1, 2025
“Fostering and promoting CSEA 449 Union Members and their children”
Scholarship 2025
- DEADLINE for scholarship applications is May 1, 2025.
- Refer to application process below for a list of the supporting documents needed.
- If any question does not apply to you in this application, please put N/A in the space.
- Type or print legibly. Illegible applications will be returned to you.
- If you have any questions about the application, please call Vicky Kelly (607)201-3164 or Kim Grover (607)240-4558 or you can reach us by email at or
PURPOSE: The CSEA Local 449 Scholarship mission is to provide financial assistance to members and their children who are enrolled in colleges and universities.
CSEA Local 449 awards scholarships on the basis of membership and essay question. CSEA 449 pays awards directly to the recipient. CSEA Local 449 Scholarships are awarded without regard to race, color, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. Scholarships awarded are based upon the availability of funds. An additional scholarship will be given based on extra qualifying criteria and an outstanding essay.
- Applicants must be completing or have completed high school successfully and submit acceptance letter or college schedule from the college they will be attending in the Fall of 2025.
- Applicants must be accepted as a full time or part time student at a college or university for the upcoming academic semester (Fall of 2025).
- Applicants must be an Employee or a dependent Child of an employee who is a Local CSEA 449 member in good standing. (A dependent child is a child who the parent claims on their taxes)
- Applicants must complete and submit a Scholarship Application, Essay of at least 500 words or more by
May 1, 2025. (Essay question is below number 18)
- All information is due May 1st of the current calendar year.
- Checks will be mailed by June 15th, 2025, to scholarship winners.
Application Process
- Completed application form.
- Essay of at least 500 words (essay prompt question is below number 18)
- Proof of acceptance at a college or university for the upcoming academic semester.
- All applications will be judged by the Local 449 scholarship committee and receive points based on the completed the application, submitted documentation and the 500-word essay. The application with the best essay will receive an extra $1000.00. Answering the extra questions on the application will help us decide the winner if a tie occurs. NO PLAGIARISM!!!
Please mail OR submit application in person to: Must be post marked by 5/1/2025